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Uploaded 21-Feb-16
Taken 25-Jun-12
Visitors 0


The Château Frontenac was designed by American architect Bruce Price, as one of a series of "château" style hotels built for the Canadian Pacific Railway company (aka CPR) during the late 19th and early 20th centuries; the newer portions of the hotel—including the central tower—were designed by William Sutherland Maxwell. CPR's policy was to promote luxury tourism by appealing to wealthy travelers. The Château Frontenac opened in 1893, six years after the Banff Springs Hotel, which was owned by the same company and similar in style.
Canon EOS 7D, f/5 @ 24 mm, 1/1600, ISO 640, No Flash

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Canada, Château Frontenac, Place, Quebec, Venue
